Il y a un problème avec l’alcoolisme ici. Donc la vente de boissons alcoolisées est réglementée.
Il est interdit de vendre des bières fraiches, et dans les magasins impossible d’acheter de l’alcool certains jours.
The alcohol in Caledonia!
There is a problem with the alcoholism here.
Thus the sale of alcoholic drinks is regulated.
For example it is forbidden to sell cool beers.
And in stores impossible to buy some alcohol certain days.
J’ai découvert cette affiche qui m’a étonnée:
I discovered this poster which amazed me:
« Dear customers, We remind you that according to the article 1 of the order HC / SAS N° 74 of November 30th, 2015, the sale of alcohol is forbidden from noon every Wednesday (with the exception of Wednesdays situated in period of school vacation from December 23rd, 2015 till February 10th, 2016) every Fridays, every Saturdays, every Sunday and the days before of holidays. The management »
Autre fléau, les canettes qui sont jetées partout…
Other plague, the cans which are thrown everywhere …
Si ça peut freiner l’alcoolisme ! Alors pourquoi pas…
If that can slow down the alcoholism! Then why not …