Jeudi 15 septembre - Thursday, September 15th
Croisière ? Oui ! Mais sans Capitaine Gary ! Dommage…
Cruise ? Yes ! But without Captain Gary! Pity!
Le World Trade Center Quatre / Four World Trade Center
Le 40 Wall Street / 40 Wall Street
Pont de Brooklyn
Brooklyn Bridge
Pont de Manhattan en dessous / Manhattan Bridge below
Cache-cache avec l’Empire State Building
Hide-and-seek with the Empire State Building
Le gratte-ciel Chrysler / Chrysler Building
Le gratte-ciel Lincoln / Lincoln Building
Le Pont Queensboro en dessous
Queensboro Bridge above
Le Pont Henri Hudson relie Manhattan au Bronx
Henri Hudson Bridge connects Manhattan with Bronx
On attend l’ouverture d’un pont tournant pour passer de l’autre côté de l’île de Manhattan…
We wait for the opening of a bascule bridge to pass on the other side of the Manhattan's island …
Le Pont George Washington / George Washington Bridge
La croisière dure environ 3 heures…
The cruise lasts approximately 3 hours …
Et voilà, la boucle est bouclée ! J’espère que la croisière vous a plu.
And here is, we've come full circle! I hope the cruise pleased you.
Yes thank you for the Cruise ! A lot of building....
And Nice building.
We didn'y do it with my friend. Only the Cruise to go to the Liberty statue
Very pleasant cruise but without Captain Gary ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺