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Au revoir Mc Carthy. Bye bye Mc Carthy






Mardi 16 août 

Nous voilà encore sur la route ! 2 h sur la route caillouteuse;

La rivière Gilahina avec un ancien pont de chemin de fer en bois. Il servait à la mine. 

2ème ârret Kuskulana River, pont sur lequel on peut grimper et traverser en marchant sur la structure. Excitant  !

Thusday, August 16th

the road again! 2h hours on the gravelle road

Gilahina River with former wood bridge for the mine train. 

2nd stop Kuskulana River, bridge on which we can climb and cross by walking on the structure. Exciting!



  • What is the height of the bridge ?
    You're not afraid of it ?

  • I don't know exactly the height but I think around 50 or 60 meters. I'm not afraid of it. In a previous life I was un cabri !

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